Altar Guild
Altar & Vestments Upkeep
Keeping the altar and the Pastor looking their best is a work of detail and love.
Serving During Sunday Worship
Sign up to be a crucifer, thurifer, acolyte, readers, ushers, offertory, collect.
Crucifer - carries cross in procession and other duties including
Thurifer - in charge of using incense diffuser and other duties including
Acolytes - carries in candles in procession and other duties including
Readers - read the Gospel and prayers
Ushers - give out sermon pamphlet, ready alter rail for communion, manages flow of people to alter
Offertory - bring, food pantry baskets, bread and wine to alter before communion
Collect - walk the church with plates to collect offerings from parishioners.
Flowers and Decoration
Donate flowers or holiday decorations in the memory of a loved one or just for a special day.
Gretchen Brent at redpetunia4@aol.com