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Church life

So much going on

If you prefer praying from the sidelines or diving in, head first, we invite you to enjoy, explore and join in on all the things going on in our church life. To help you out getting to know us, and what we do, each group has a face to go to:

Religious Objects


Outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means for receiving God's grace. Our services include Baptism, Pastoral Visitation, Weddings, Confirmation, Funerals

Mother Karen, Rector

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Sunday School

Sunday School is a weekly session during 10 am service, where young people are taught the Bible and the power of prayer and good works. The nursery is art intensive, Elementary is a mix of art and discussion, JHS/HS is mainly discussion based.


We welcome children and young people from 3 to age 20 and if you like you can volunteer as a teacher or assistant (please note that child safety is our priority).

Dawn Ryder

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Buildings & Grounds

Help maintain buildings and ground, conduct volunteer drives for yearly clean ups, field services and get quotes for improvements/repair, oversee repairs and report to Vestry.

Sal Calamia

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Altar Guild

Grace Church's Altar Guild maintain and decorate the altar, arranging for flowers, caring for pastoral garments. Join our Altar Guild and help make things beautiful.

Gretchen Brent

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Coffee Hour Service

Join our group and help put together coffee hour once a month. Just set up coffee and cake or bring a special dish. Clean up and start the dishwasher at the end - simple and many thanks!

Shirley Milazzo

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Help maintain computer/audio/video equipment, host zoom services and help find improvements/repair,  report to Vestry.

Fola Fadahunsi

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Church Choir Singers and Music Sheets


Join our Choir, no experience necessary.  Episcopalians love to sing, lend your voice and help us raise our voices.

Gloria Shih

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Bible Lesson

Bible Study

Come join us as we ponder the stories of the Bible.

Our Bible Study!

February 16th- April 13th

11:15AM- 12:00PM

In the Library


Join us for an eye-opening 9 week bible study with Dr. Julie Faith Parker's new book Eve Isn't Evil, where we will learn where biblical interpretation can skew the best of stories and where our own stories can have deeper meaning through our reading of the holy scriptures with new insights.

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